
Livestreaming Platform

    East Buy Holding Limited (formerly known as Koolearn Technology Holding Limited), a subsidiary of New Oriental, is positioned as a livestreaming platform in China, with a focus on selecting premium products for customers. It serves as an outstanding product technology company that strives to provide agricultural products under its private label "East Buy", as well as a cultural communication company that provides customers with pleasant experience.

    Adhering to the mission of improving public welfare and creating values to the society, since 2021, East Buy Holding Limited expanded its businesses to the provision of its private label products and livestreaming e-commerce. Its livestreaming platform, “East Buy” (東方甄選), has since become a well-known platform for selling top-quality and cost-effective agricultural and other products. East Buy focuses on developing unique cultural content to foster understanding of cultural resources and knowledge sharing, and has also begun to increase collaboration with local governments, so as to promote special agricultural products for the betterment of cultural tourism.

    East Buy Holding Limited (Stock code:1797) has successfully listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on March 28, 2019. On January 31, 2023, it has announced the change of company name from “Koolearn Technology Holding Limited” (“新東方在綫科技控股有限公司 ”) to “East Buy Holding Limited” (“東方甄選控股有限公司”).

    For further information, you may refer to ir.eastbuy.com.  

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